Sustainable Nature invites all its clients to learn about and apply the following sustainable tourism practices on their next trip:
Value local traditions and customs
- Before traveling, inquire about the local customs and traditions of the tourist destination you will visit (costumbrist festivals, anniversaries, among others), as well as any other information. You will be able to share, participate and integrate with the community in the best way.
Support the local economy
- He prefers local handicrafts and products made at the destination, this would allow him to contribute to the development of family, retail and small-scale economies.
Respect the Environment
- Buy products that do not require endangered plants or animals to be made.
- He prefers group outings that allow savings in resources, money, fuel and a decrease in his carbon footprint. Find the most efficient and least polluting way to get around.
- Do not feed wildlife.
- Respect the signs and indications of existing communities in the area you visit. This will allow a safer visit for you, your family and the environment.
Be a respectful and informed traveler
- Respect human rights and protect children from exploration in any of its forms, especially sexual and labor exploration.
- Find out how you can receive medical assistance or contact your embassy (for foreign tourists) in case of emergency.
- Inform yourself about the meteorological conditions when you access mountainous areas or variable hydrometeorological conditions. If you travel alone or in a group to the mountains, inform and leave a record of your visit with the Police, CONAF or other pertinent institution.
- Inquire at the tourist information offices that have official public or private institutional support, in order to obtain objective, up-to-date information and with tourist services and activities that comply with the legal provisions of the places you visit.